Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Day 1 ends: Delays delays delays

Starting had been harder than I anticipated, the old cliché of a writer bent over his/her desk under a dim light with a thick mug of coffee and trying to think up a story comes to mind and it felt so. I thought I had the entire day to write since it was Deepavali and I skipped work. I only realized that yesterday I swore that I‘d finished off the draft for my novel but yet it stood only half finished and none the refined at that. So half the day was wasted juggling to finish the final script but I finally came up with an acceptable storyline to build on.

So it was already afternoon, had a late lunch and thought I could get back to finally starting but after lunch I was detained, yes detained at Laura’s place only managing to wiggle away around 4 p.m. Thus most of the day was gone, the rest of the afternoon was used up to set up the new blog site that I wanted to publish my novel in and tweaking and adjustments again killed time especially since one of the blog code furnished by Adrian was wrong and I only found out later one of the characters were in the wrong place, almost pulled off half my scalp then.

In the end writing only started around evening, I had the prologue up, the one part that I was confident would be exactly as I planned it to be because it was a simple piece. I next went on to starting Chapter 1. Here was born the so called Lord Edwin, a young boy with big dreams, literally as the beginning began as a dream state and in the end deflated as he turned out to be a boy of 12 living with his sister. Humble beginnings indeed but everyone had to have a start. The starting was unplanned, I started off with him waking up but it was too abrupt and it didn’t say much for the character of Edwin so I gave him a world where he could act out his wishes and dreams, an exercise on the ego and a foretaste to what he might turn out.

Currently I’m having problems with names, were never good with them. I always wanted to give character names that will be memorable like Caramon or Rastlin or Drizzt which everyone is familiar with but I admit I suck at that, Edwin was a spur of the moment thing as was most of the names of characters and places, if anything better crops up I might change them later but to move along this will have to do.

So I’m continuing towards Chapter 1 now and hoping to finish it today, 1,900 plus words isn’t too bad though I thought I did more, will try to reach 3,000 words a day if possible giving me a comfortable word count per day to finish the challenge.


At 11/02/2005 6:40 pm, Blogger Edmund Yeo said...

Use this:

or this:

Caramon and Raistlin are names that can be remembered because their characters stood out (ONLY during the first two trilogies, don't tell me anything about the other shit they appeared in), ditto with Drizzt (whose books are becoming increasingly horrible). Fantasy names aren't entirely important, in truth, it ain't the name itself that can be remembered, is what you do that can let people associate the name with.


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