Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Chapter 1: Part 2

“Wake up!” a muffled voice was heard.

The Lord strained to hear it again.

“Wake up!”

His world began to spin and he found instead of the salty docks of T’nis and his armored self atop Skull Smasher, Edwin was staring with half closed eyes at his down pillow, with the blanket covered over his head.

“Wake up sleepy head!” screamed the voice again. “The day has already left and it’s your turn to head down to the market for the week, so move it.”

“Leave me alone, just a few more minutes,” groaned Edwin sleepily.


Opening an eye lid and knocking back the stars already adding to his groggy state, Edwin finally look at the pillow lying on the floor beside his bed and then proceeded to address the speaker that so rudely awoke him.

“Aw! Sis, you didn’t have to do that, it hurts you know,” he said. “It’s not as if you never slept in extra yourself.”

“I never!” she huffed. “Besides it is late and if you don’t head off soon all the good bits will be sold and we’ll end up with the tough cuts again, the last one felt like it was taken from the sole of Mr. Marson’s left boot”.

Lifting himself up and rubbing his eyes raw, Edwin thus saw his sister, Marista in his room, broom in hand. She headed up to the windows and drew the shutters open letting in the light. Edwin admitted that even with the dust covered overalls and apron his sister was wearing currently and the cover wrapped neatly to shelter her long dark hair, Marista still manages to give a regal, beautiful look that could rival any princess in a royal court, yet also at the same time maintaining a humble yet homely look that makes one feel at ease all at once. No wonder all the local lads were up trying to get to know her better.

“Okay, okay I’m up,” Edwin yawned. “Just give me a few minutes to freshen up and change into fresh clothing and I’m off.”

“If I left you alone I can hardly imagine what’d you do with your life, there’s fresh linens by the side of the bed, the well water has already been filled, no thanks to you, and I’ve prepared a light meal for you to take along,” Marista said with a smile and a nod of her head as she went back to sweeping the mess of Edwin’s floor.

“Right,” Edwin stormed out the door.

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